...................WelCome To My NeW PaGe :)........
..........................................WeNnS ScHo AmOi dO SaTz
.......dAuN kEnNtS mA Jo aN EiNtRoG DoLoSsN!!
someTimes . i Thiink to kiLL myseLf .
becausze . This worLd is nOt my worLd
. nD ii wisH . i´L be in my oLd worLd
again . ! someTimesz i thinQ . tO kiiLL
aLL my FriienDszz . nD Loversz . because
They aRe someTimmes sO sTupiiD .
nD NoBoDy unDersTanD uu . . . *
buT my FriienDs . aRe noT sO .
They aRe reaL FriienDs . thxL .*
zwiscµen|eben uNd e×is†ieren is† ein
grºßer unterscµied,
ªlsº e×is†iere nicµt
nur, sºndern # |ebe (: